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Last update 19 november 2006




    There is a version of body movement - curvilinear - oscillatory process (for example, at a physical pendulum) which is possible to organize so that the projection of tangential pendulum acceleration to the allocated direction would not change direction during all period of fluctuation. Such process is realized in inertor.

    In the latter, for transformation of rotary movement of a body (debalance) in rectilinear movement, the gyroscope is applied. We consider it necessary to remind the reader of free gyroscope properties.

  1. The gyroscope has inertia plane and it coincides with gyroscope own rotation plane.
  2. If we apply cross working moment Mп on inertia plane the gyroscope turns its vector on 90∞ in a course of own rotation.
  3. The gyroscope resists (counteracts) to cross turn of its inertia plane with the force proportional to moment Mп value (thus, the higher the turn speed of inertia plane, the greater the counteracting moment is).
  4. Acting Mп and counteracting gyroscope moment are always numerically equal and opposite to each other.
  5. Under action of constant cross moment Mп gyroscope inertia plane rotates with constant speed (around moment Mп vector revolved on 90∞). That means it and gyroscope turn without acceleration!

    The scheme, explaining the inertor action principle, is given on drawing I. Inertor is shown in a transverse section. Drawing 3 and 4 give the mover assembly variant. The device has a drive, which is the electric motor, containing stator 3 and hollow rotor 6. Inside stator 3 the gyroscope 1 is installed. M is its vector of the kinetic moment. Debalance 7 is fixed on a rotor 6. Mover is joined by an axis 19 to the vehicle body 16 with an opportunity of free rotation on it. Stator 3 and rotor 6 can freely rotate both relative to each other, and jointly on the common axis 9. On the body 12 the gauge 20 intended for angular debalance position control 7 is installed. Points a, b and с belong to a trajectory of rotation of the centre of debalance mass 7 around axis Y. r-radius of rotation of the centre of debalance mass 7.

    In addition the drive structure includes the control device for engine reverser and some more some auxiliary elements which are not shown on drawing I.

    In an operating conditions the inertor drive provides curvilinear - oscillatory movement of debalance 7 around axis Y with angular amplitude . Let us consider the process more in detail.

    In an initial state the centre of debalance mass 7 is located in a point a, the gyroscope 1 is untwisted up to necessary value of kinetic moment
, where J is a moment of gyroscope inertia, - is own circular frequency of gyroscope rotation. The drive switches and powers the electric motor. Thus, under the influence of starting moment Mп, rotor 6, and debalance 7 with it start to get accelerated. Simultaneously, starting moment Mп under the third NewtonТs law is enclosed to stator 3 (in direction opposite to rotor 6), and with it - to a gyroscope 1. The latter does not allow stator 3 to rotate around axis Y and only turns all drive on axis 19 around axis Y. Debalance momentum 7 proceeds up to a point c. After a signal of the gauge 20 the engine reverser and the moment of drive Mп change their direction to opposite one. Under its influence a rotor 6 and debalance 7 slow down the rotation speed to full stop in a point a. Thus, the first period of fluctuation ends and the next one identical to described above begins.
   It is shown on drawing 2, how tangential speed V of debalance m.c.(mass centre) change, a projection a to axis Z of tangential m.c acceleration from a corner and time “ and force value of inertor traction F (a projection to an axis Z of m.c. debalance tangential force of inertia m.c. debalance).

   Thus, debalance fluctuation period consists of four subcycles of identical duration t, and in every odd subcycle (starting from the first, initial one) its momentum occurs, and in every even subcycle does braking. And during every subcycle, every period of fluctuation and all operating time of a drive the projection of tangential force of inertia to an axis Z does not change its direction (it always coincides with the direction of an axis Z). It means that the whole drive together with the vehicle body will move in space with acceleration towards an axis Z. We should bear in mind that existence of forces of inertia itself speaks in favor of hypotheses of gravitational expansion of the universe.

   Let us consider the elementary one-dimensional case: acceleration of a body under action of EarthТs gravitation field. We admit that we are inside of a body and we are unaware of existence of globe. If the body falls freely to the centre of the Earth we shall not find out any a of speed cceleration. For us everything will occur so, as if a body is in a condition of rest and weightlessness (there is an essential distinction in that case when our body accelerates under the influence of other body: we would find out at once the occurrence of unknown force, which we would name weight).

   Now let us imagine, that our body acceleration by gravitation field is prevented by a motionless support: no matter whether it is terrestrial surface or any other body. As the speed of a body changes, force of pressure upon a support will appear, it is force of inertia of a body mass, which we name a gravity or weight. If all Universe gravitationally extends, i.e. each point of its space isotropically "swells", any change of a body speed means counteraction to this "swelling". There is a force which we name force of inertia. Therefore, it is possible to draw a conclusion: what we name force of gravitation, is actually force of inertia, i.e. forces of inertia and gravitation have common origin.

     It is impossible to see mentally isotropy space СswellingТ, neither to see mentally our Universe from outside. Sometimes to show the way Universe extends more evidently, experts demonstrate the simplified two-dimensional (one- surface) case: a surface of an inflated ball, on which the points, simulating an arrangement of galaxies, are put. We offer the reader to present mentally the same expansion, but in all directions and on infinite set of surfaces simultaneously Е

   Thus, it is possible to tell, that work on inertor moving in space is carried out by the space itself or, to be more exact, - gravitation of the Universe. It means namely that time and range of its flight in space do not depend on value of an onboard stock of energy.
   Twisting moment is applied to debalance on the part of a drive.
, (1)
Where Fт Ц is the tangential force developed by a drive, r Ц is rotation radius of debalance mass centre.
   To simplify calculations we will suppose, that the moment of ћп has constant value during all operating time of a drive, and the own debalance mass is much more than rotor mass which we will not take into account further.
   Under tangential force Fт influence debalance is accelerated, therefore tangential force of inertia arises in opposite direction = Fт, which is actually inertor traction.
Projection Fт (and , accordingly) to axis Z does not change the direction during all the device operating time, and its amplitude Fо changes (pulses) according to the expression
Fо = Fт · sin||, (2)
where Ц is an angle counted from a switching point of a drive reverser (it coincides with gauge 20 displacement at drawing 1).
   Let's replace traction Fо , pulsing in time for a constant in amplitude force F, numerically equal to the average subcycle value,-
F= Fт · < sin|| >, (3)
Where < sin|| > - is average value of a sine for - angle, F is traction.
Let's copy the formula (3), thus:
F=m · aт< sin||>, (4)
where т Ц is debalance mass, aT - tangential debalance acceleration (const).
Further, for convenience, we omit a module mark in formulas, but thus we shall take always into account, that > 0, irrespective of a direction of readout of a corner from a point of a reverser.
The capacity necessary for a drive debalance is equal to
, (5)
Where Ц is circular frequency debalance rotation, V Ц is linear debalance speed, t Ц is subcycle duration.
The length of a way, undergone by debalance mass centre during subcycle is as follows:
, (6)
Having substituted acceleration aT from (4) and time t from (6) in the formula (5), we shall receive the following ratio for a drive capacity:
, (7)
The formula (7) can be simplified, if one value of angular amplitude of debalance fluctuation (i.e. angle is given) is only given. Average value of a sine is unequal for different amplitudes and has a maximum for - angle 130∞:
< sin 130 > 0,729856.
Let's substitute it into the formula (7) and we will transform it to the following:
, (8)
From (7) we receive traction value
, (9)
For fluctuation angle = 130∞ the formula becomes simplier
, (10)
Using (4) and (6) we find one subcycle duration of debalance fluctuation
, (11)
For = 130∞ the formula becomes simplier
, (12)
    It is necessary to notice, that the ratio (12) describes the period of fluctuation of a physical pendulum.
To estimate value of a mover fluctuation angle (in degrees) around axis Z (for =130 ∞) is possible from the ratio:
, (13)
    It follows from formulas (8) and (10), that the less is debalance fluctuation radius r, the more the mass, the more mover traction F and ,thus, the smaller drive capacity is required!
   We should say that rather unexpected conclusion which our "common sense" in any way does not want to agree with has turned out...

     However, let us consider the following scheme (see draw.5) where the debalance drive with hollow rotor is represented. Its radius, for presentation, is considerably increased. The following designations are introduced in it:
1 - an axis of rotation, 2 - hollow rotor, 3 - a bar, 4 - debalance, 5 - hinge, r - radius of debalance fluctuation 4, R - rotor radius 2, Fт - the tangential force developed by a drive, Fт - tangential force of debalance inertia 4. The bar 3 connects a rotor 2 to the hinge 5. Debalance 4 is fixed on it too.

As the moment of ћп of a drive is numerically equal to the counteracting moment, created by force of inertia Fт (for simplification, let us consider the own moment of inertia of a rotor 2 equal to zero), is possible to make up the following ratio:
ћп = Fт · R = · r
This is known rule of the lever (see [28] p. 433), whence it is received
. That was to be proved.

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